

Emelianova Yulia Nikolaevna
Danilova Galina Raufovna

The purpose of the research: to determine how special endurance indicators change in the competitive period of the university's women's national basketball team.

Methods and organization of research. The following research methods were used: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature; testing, methods of mathematical statistics. The study was conducted at the Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism. The sample of subjects for assessing physical fitness included 16 female basketball players. The special endurance of the athletes was assessed.

The research results and their discussion. In the process of research, the dynamics of changes in the indicators of special endurance of basketball players of the women's national team of the university was analyzed. The data obtained showed that in the first half of the competitive period, basketball players experience more pronounced positive changes in the indicators of special endurance compared to the second half. In general, during the study, statistically significant improvements occurred in all tests characterizing special endurance in basketball.

Conclusion. According to the results of the study, it was found that in the preparatory period of the women's basketball team of the university the training load does not allow athletes to reach the peak of their athletic form, and during the game season the increase in special endurance indicators continues. Thus, the physical fitness of the athletes has a certain reserve for increasing the load during the preparatory period, which determines the need for constant monitoring of the dynamics of special endurance.

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