General regulations
«Science and Sport: Current Trends» is an international journal with a special focus on the research outcomes in the field of physical activity, sport and health.
The journal invites original research-based articles and reviews covering the following areas of sport science: kinesiology, sport psychology, sport training, sport medicine, sport management, exercise physiology, physical education, physical activity, and health. The journal also invites manuscripts with the focus on the findings of interdisciplinary research in the field of physical activity and sport.
The Editorial Board Policy complies with all the effective applicable copyright laws.
The journal is currently indexed in the following research databases:
- ULRICH'S WEB. Provides web-based and Z39.50 linking to Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory catalogs. The online version includes over 300,000 active and current periodicals.
- GOOGLE SCHOLAR. A freely accessible web search engine that indexes the full text of scholarly literature across an array of publishing formats and disciplines.
- eLIBRARY.RU SCIENTIFIC ELECTRONIC LIBRARY. A world leading scientific electronic library in Russian language. eLIBRARY.RU currently provides papers and full texts of over 34 million research publications and patents including electronic versions of over 5600 Russian scientific and technical journals.
- CYBERLENINKA. CyberLeninka is a scholarly e-library built on the paradigm of Open Science, which key tasks are to popularize science and scientific activity, implement public quality control of scientific publications, develop interdisciplinary research, promote a solid reviewing system, and increase the citation rate for Russian research.
- LAN ELECTRONIC LIBRARY SYSTEM. Provides access of educational institutions to electronic books of leading publishing houses including educational, scientific, professional literature and current periodicals in various fields of studies.
- CROSSREF. Official agency of the International DOI Foundation providing Digital Object Identifier (DOI) registration. It unites editors of academic publications (journals, monographs, conference proceedings), and has been functioning since 2000 for the registration and use of persistent interoperable identifiers.
- URAIT EDUCATIONAL PLATFORM (since 1 September 2020). Educational resource, electronic library and online store used for reading and purchasing electronic and printed books of authors – faculty members of leading universities for all levels of professional education. Video and audio materials, tests and services for educators are available 24/7.
«Science and Sport: Current Trends» offers open permanent and free access to the published material. All materials are published under the most flexible reuse standard – the CC BY 4.0 license (peer review).
All content published in the journal is available immediately upon publication.
Free reproduction of the journal materials is allowed for personal use. Readers are allowed to download, copy, distribute, or print the full texts of the journal’s articles and cite them.
The authors and publisher cover any publication costs; journal does not offer any advertisement.
The data storage policy is aimed at selecting, storing and providing access to the archives of the journal, and it includes the following principles: compliance of archiving process with state standards for archiving; registration and publication of articles in accordance with professional standards; provision of wide access to the archived materials to support publishing practice.
All articles published in the journal and their media data are stored in the Scientific electronic library, Russian State Library, the Russian Book Chamber, on the journal web-site, and on the Publisher’s server.
The journal is distributed by subscription, applications of higher educational institutions and private persons.
Publication decisions, which remain the final responsibility of the Editorial Board of the journal, are validated by the invitation of leading scholars of Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism to discuss the submitted articles with third-party specialists in the capacity of reviewers.
The purpose of peer review is to assist the Editors in making editorial decisions, and it may assist the author in improving the paper. The journal uses double-blind review, which means that reviewers are unaware of the identity of the authors, and authors are unaware of the identity of reviewers.
The typical period of time allowed for reviews is 3-4 weeks.
The journal is published quarterly with each issue incorporating 14 to 17 original research articles and reviews, as well as reports on latest news of International Association of Universities of Physical Culture and Sport.
Manuscripts are submitted via the ‘Science and Sport: Current Trends’ web site:
In the submission process, authors are required to indicate their full names, country and city of residence, full academic title and degree, email address, phone number, and ORCID iD.
In selecting, reviewing, editing and publishing manuscripts, editors of ‘Science and Sport: Current Trends’ are guided by international standards of publication ethics: provisions adopted at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity compliance (; provisions developed by the Committee on the Ethics of Scientific Publications (The Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE (; rules of scientific publications (on the Ethics of Scientific Publications Committee,, and principles of publishing ethics accepted by the Association of Science Editors and Publishers (Russia) (Declaration of the Association of Science Editors and Publishers).
The right of authorship belongs to the authors of articles. The authors transfer the rights to use the article (including the use and distribution of an article in the Open Access) to the publisher of the journal on a non-exclusive license (Publishing Agreement (Public Offer)). At the same time, authors remain full rights holders.
By submitting the article and accompanying files, all authors agree that they grant the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education ‘Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism’ the right to use the article within the limits specified in the License agreement.