Journal «Science and Sport: Current Trends» publishes original articles and reviews, and articles on various aspects of sports science.
- The main headings of the journal:
- Kinesiology
- Psychology and pedagogics of sport
- Sport medicine
- Sport physiology and morphology
- Sport training
- Sport management
- Physical education
When submitting papers please study carefully the following requirements.
- General requirements.
We will consider the papers in Russian or English. The papers shouldn’t be previously published. Journal «Science and Sport: Current Trends» is spreading over Russia and abroad among members of the International Association of Universities of Physical Education and Sport.
The articles submitted in English will be translated into Russian.
The papers submitted for publication should be topical and brand new, contain tasking (problems), a description of the main findings obtained by the author, conclusions.
The editors reserve the right to abridge and edit the papers submitted.
Mandatory requirements. To publish the article, authors should send scanned copies of 2 reviews – internal and external, both signed by Doctors of Sciences with expertise in the relevant field of science, with the seal of the reviewer’s home institution. The reviewer’s signature must be certified.
The papers are published for free.
Paper is sent to the editor in electronic and scanned version signed by all authors, that gives the right to publish it and to place on the journal's website.
- Article submission:
The volume of advanced, review and discussion papers should not exceed 15 pages (including illustrations, tables, abstract and list of references), of original researches - 10 pages.
The article should be typed with Times New Roman, size 12, with 1,5 line spacing, page setup: 2 cm right, top and bottom, 3 cm left. Word wrapping is unacceptable.
When submitting papers it is required to indicate their indices according to the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) available in libraries.
- Article structure
An article should be structured as follows:
Index according to the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC);
Title of the article;
Information about the author
Name and initials of the author; Full name of the author’s home institution, his/her home city and country; Contacts.
If there are several authors, a numerical index is given to each surname and institution. If all the authors belong to the same institution, to specify the place of job of each author separately is not necessary.
Author’s summary (abstract)
Author's summary of the article is the main source of information for domestic and foreign information systems and databases, indexing the journal.
Abstracts for the reader should be clear to study. As to the abstract a reader must decide whether to have access to the full text of this article for more detailed information of interest to him. Summary should state only the essential facts of work. The structure of summary repeating the structure of the paper and including introduction, aims and objectives, methods, results, closing (conclusions) gets approval. However: subject, topic, purpose of work are specified in cases when they are not clear from the article title; method or methodology of the work is purposeful to describe, if they are differed by novelty or of interest from the point of view of this paper. Organization and research methods should contain certain titles of equipment and devices that were used for the research.
The text volume of author’s summary is determined by the content of the publication (the amount of information, its scientific and / or practical value) and shouldn’t exceed the limits of 100 - 250 words.
The summary should be followed by several keywords or word combinations separated by comma to simplify the classifying of work in computer search engines.
This block of information, 5.2 – 5.5 paragraphs should be presented both in Russian and English. Authors’ family names should be transliterated as it was done in previous publications or in accordance with BGN (Board of Geographic Names) system, see It’s very important for institutions to put an official title in English.
Text of the article
1) Introduction
Brief introduction, which reflects the state of the question at the time of writing. It includes: the relevance of the research topic, a review of the literature on the topic, the formulation of problems, the formulation of the goals and objectives of the research.
2) Methods and organization the research
The methods and the scheme of experiments are described in detail. Describe materials, instruments, equipment, sampling and conditions for conducting experiments / observations.
3) Results and discussion
The actual research results are shown (text, table, graphics, chart, equations, photos, drawings). Graphs, diagrams, photographs are drawn up according to the rules of design drawings.
Requirements for pictures submitted in electronic form. Black-and-white line drawings: the file format - TIFF (*.tiff), any program that supports this format (Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe Illustrator etc.); bitmap mode, resolution 600 dpl (pixels per inch). The text in the illustrations should be clear. Each picture should be numbered (if there is no more than one figure the sequence number should not be indicated), titled and followed by explanations of all the graphs, figures, letters and other symbols. The picture itself shouldn’t contain many words and signs, all the comments should follow the picture. The comments can contain only figures and letters but not other symbols (e.g. geometric figures) presented in the picture. Designations on abscissa and ordinate and units of measuring are specified in graph descriptions, explanations for each curve are represented. Micrograph descriptions indicate staining method and magnification. Each figure should have a common heading and description of all abbreviations.
Example of a picture description:
Figure 1 – Reducing the number of strikes
Requirements for tables. All tables should have headings and end-to-end ordinal numbering (if the table is one, that is, numbering is not set), indicated by Arabic numbers without a number sign (for example, Table 1). Abbreviations words in the table are not allowed.
Example of a table description:
Table 3 – Body composition of athletes playing sport games
Indicator | Groups of research by the kinds of sport | |||
Badminton n=11 |
Tennis n=12 | Football n=19 | Volleyball n=17 | |
Weight(kg) | 74,7±2,16 | 73,28±2,46 | 71,72±2,23 | 82,54±2,2 |
Bone weight (kg) | 3,34±0,09 | 3,33±0,09 | 3,15±0,05
| 3,65±0,09 |
Protein (kg) | 16,04±0,52 | 16,04±0,57 | 14,79±0,3 | 18,78±0,56 |
Note. n – number of examinees.
In addition to the common abbreviations of units of measurement, physical, chemical and mathematical values and terms (eg, DNA), abbreviations of word combinations often repeated in the text are allowed. All marks and abbreviations introduced by the author should be defined in the text at their first mention. Reducing of simple words, even if they are often repeated, is not allowed. The doses of drugs, units of measurement and other numerical values must be specified in SI system.
4) Conclusions about the points or closing
Contains a brief summary of them.
It contains a summary of the sections of the article and conclusions without repeating the wording given in them.
- References
All references are listed in alphabetical order. References in the text of the article are put in square brackets.
References to unpublished papers, theses, are not permitted.
In the original articles, it is advisable to quote 15-20 literary sources, minimum 5 of which should be foreign ones, not more than 50 in literature reviews. Reference list should contain, besides the fundamental papers, publications for the last 5 years.
Reference list should be presented in two versions:
- Russian version along with foreign sources designed in accordance with State Standard 7.1-2003 ‘Reference list. Reference description. General requirements and compilation practices.’
- Latin version which is identical to Russian version regardless whether or not it contains foreign sources.
Correct description of the sources used in the reference list is a guarantee that the cited publication will be taken into account when assessing research activities of the authors and their home institutions.
The author is responsible for the accuracy of bibliographic data.
Information about the authors
Additional personal data of the authors which are essential for journal processing in Russian Science Citation Index should be indicated on a separate page (author’s name, family name, second name in Russian and a transliterated version, e-mail, address of the institution), academic title, degree and ORCID identification.
The last page should contain all authors’ signatures, home and office phones with country codes, addresses and e-mails.
UDC 615.035.4
И.И. Иванов1, А.А. Петров2
1ФГБОУ ВО «Поволжская государственная академия физической культуры, спорта и туризма», Казань, Россия
2 Российский государственный университет физической культуры, спорта и туризма, Москва, Россия
Методы и организация исследования…
Результаты исследования и их обсуждение…
Заключение…на русском языке
Ключевые слова: …на русском языке
I.I. Ivanov1, A.A. Petrov2
1Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education ‘Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism’, Kazan, Russia
2 Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism, Moscow, Russia
Authors’ e-mail:
The purpose…
Methods and organization of the research…
Results and discussion…
Conclusion…in English
Keywords: English
INTRODUCTION…text of the article
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION …text of the article
CONCLUSION …text of the article
- Арселли, Э. Тренировка в марафонском беге: научный подход / Э. Арселли, Р. Канова. – М. : Изд-во Терра-Спорт. – 2000. – 70 с.
- Кирьянова, М. А. Реографические показатели спортсменов циклических видов спорта / М. А. Кирьянова, И. Н. Калинина, Л. Г. Харитонова // Вестник Южно-Уральского государственного университета. Серия: Образование, здравоохранение, физическая культура. – 2010. – № 24 (200). – С. 125-128.
- Larsen, H. B. Kenyan dominance in distance running. / H. B. Larsen // Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology. – 2003. – 136(1). – P. 161-170.
- Arcelli, E., Canova R. Trenirovka v marafonskom bege: nauchni podhod [Training in marathon running: a scientific approach]. Moscow, House Terra-Sport Publ., – 2000. – 70 p.
- Kiryanov M. A., Kalinin I.N., Kharitonova L.G. Rheographic performance athletes cyclic sports.Bulletin of the South Ural state University. Ser. Education, Healthcare Service, Physical Education, 2010, on 24 (200),pp. 125-128 (in Russ.).
- Larsen, H. B. Kenyan dominance in distance running. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology, 2003. on. 136(1), pp. 161-170.
Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich – Dr. of pedagogics, professor; Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism; Russia, 420010, Kazan, Universiade Village 35, e-mail:; ORCID: 0000-0002-1234-1234.
Petrov Alexander Alexandrovich – PhD student, Department of……., Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism; Russia, 105122, Moscow, Sireneviy boulevard, 4; e-mail:; ORCID: 0000-0002-1234-1234.
In case if the paper is returned back to the author for further corrections according to reviewer’s comments it should be reviewed and resubmitted during 1 month. The articles resubmitted after the deadline are considered as the newly submitted. Editorial board keeps the right for refinements and reductions. Editorial board can ask the authors to abridge their articles.