Articles of the journal are available to everyone

Free and open access to research results contributes to increased universal knowledge


Peer-reviewed scientific and theoretical journal

It's devoted to achievements of modern sports science in the field of sports physiology and medicine, pedagogy, theory and methods of physical culture and sports.

Distributed to member Universities of the International Association of universities of physical culture and sports, as well as to a wide range by targeted delivery and subscription.

Certificate PI № FS77-64933 dated February 24, 2016 issued by the Federal service for supervision of communications, information technology and mass communications (Roskomnadzor)

Current issue

Vol 12 (4) 2024

Vol 12 (4) 2024

PHYSIOLOGY: Training load control based on the method of nonlinear analysis of heart rate variability in female skiers during medium and high intensity training ||| SPORTS TRAINING: Planning physical and technical training of track and field athletes in the annual cycle at the training stage ||| SPORTS MANAGEMENT: Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the situation on holding sports and physical education and health events in the regions of the Russian Federation

About the journal

ISSN 2308-8826 (Print)
ISSN 2658-6800 (Online)

The main objective of the journal is to disseminate information about scientific developments carried out by scientists and leading experts on topical issues in the field of sports and medicine.

The main purpose of the editorial Board and the editorial Board consider the transfer of knowledge and experience accumulated by the world community and schools of the University; to familiarize readers with the advanced world experience of introduction of scientific developments in the disciplines related to the field of physical culture and sport: theory and methodology of physical education, sports training, sports nutrition, physiology (physiology of physical education and sport), adaptive physical education, medicine and sport.

The journal welcomes interdisciplinary research and academic discussions on these issues.

Articles of the journal are available to everyone, based on the principle that free and open access to research results contributes to the increase of universal knowledge.

We invite all authors who share the goals and objectives of the magazine "Science and Sport: current trends» Your research can be presented in the form of both review and original articles, as well as (for young scientists, undergraduates and graduate students) in the form of short reports that have not been published previously.