

Kazaryan Arman Arturikovich

The article presents an analysis of the technical and tactical effectiveness of wrestlers of the national student wrestling league at the qualifying stage (Greco-Roman, freestyle wrestling). Statistical data on teams of higher educational institutions that took part in the competition is given.

The purpose of the research is to analyze the competitive activitiy of the national student wrestling League at the qualifying stage of the Siberian Federal District (SFD).

Methods and organization of the research. The s tudy was conducted from February to October 2023. At the first stage, an analysis of video footage of duels and competition protocols was carried out. The second stage is statistical data processing and summarizing. The following research methods are presented in the article: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, video analysis of duels and competitions reports, methods of mathematical statistics.

Research results and their discussion. The article examines the views of various authors regarding the analysis of sports performance over different periods. An analysis of technical and tactical actions at the National Student League tournament is presented. The results of athletes in freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling and a comparative analysis of the student league and prediction of its development are presented.

Conclusion. Analysis of the sports performance of the qualifying stage (SFD) of the national student sports league, characterizing the quantitative and qualitative parameters of the technical and tactical skills of the wrestlers, allows us to judge the decent level of technical and tactical preparedness of the wrestlers who took part, although by the standards of the professional PWL league they are low, but have tremendous potential for growth.

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