The purpose of the research is to generalize the pedagogical experience of organizing physical culture and sports activities of students in distant learning mode during the Pandemic
Methods and organization of the research. The main research methods used include a survey in the form of a questionnaire, mathematical and statistical data processing, basic logical methods of theoretical research – analysis, generalization, systematization. The study was conducted in the period of June-December 2021 at three Russian universities: at the North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov – NEFU (Yakutsk), at the Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University– PGUPS (St. Petersburg), at the Belgorod State National Research University – BelSU (Belgorod). A total of 86 teachers were interviewed, of which 37 work at NEFU, 29 – at PGUPS, 20 – at BelSU.
The results of the research. The study presented a brief description of the respondents: their age, gender, education, and work experience. We have analyzed in detail, compared and summarized the answers of the teachers of physical culture of three universities to the questionnaire aimed at identifying various aspects of pedagogical work on the organization of physical culture and sports activities of students in distant learning mode during the Pandemic. In the course of the study we have clarified availability of experience of working in a remote format; methods of preparation for such work; its technical support; well-tested electronic resources; methods of interaction with students; features of the organization of the educational process; attitude to the distant learning mode; its positive and negative sides.
Conclusion. As a result of the generalization of the data obtained, we have made a conclusion about the existence of uniformity of difficulties overcome during the organization of physical culture and sports activities of students in distant learning mode, regardless of the university and its geographical location. The study shows a considerable similarity of the teachers’ solutions and value judgments. In addition, the identity of the technical characteristics of the problem expressed in available tools of the resource base is obvious. All this points to the need for further development of the structure and content of distance learning technologies in physical education, since the logic of the development of scientific and technological progress is such that this approach in educational activities will continue to develop. The general negative opinion of the teachers about the distance learning mode of physical culture should be taken into account and analyzed, some targeted solutions, many of which are likely to require fundamentally new approaches, should be developed.
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