The purpose of the research: analysis and determination of the prospects for the development of the Russian market of the fitness industry.
Research methods and organization. The research was conducted on the basis of the analysis of statistical information, analytical review of the market, publications of experts of the National Fitness Society, Association of Fitness Operators, as well as content analysis of literary sources.
Research results and their discussion. Over the past few years, fitness has become very popular in the world, including Russia. In this regard, the assessment of the development of the Russian fitness industry market allowed to evaluate the current state of the industry. The tendencies and problems of development of the Russian fitness industry market are defined, foreign experience is analyzed, problems are revealed and ways of their decision are offered.
Conclusion. The study has shown that over the past few years in the Russian market of fitness industry there is a high growth in the number of fitness clubs, the positive dynamics of visits to fitness clubs, the level of staffing of fitness clubs is also increasing year by year. However, in the last two years, the situation is exacerbated due to the current socio-economic situation, as a result of which the possibilities of using all the capacities of the fitness industry have been limited.
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