The purpose of the research is to identify some potential predictors of the human body's aerobic performance.
Methods and organization of the research. We examined 23 men and 8 women involved in amateur jogging, 15 men and 14 women involved in jogging professionally, with sports qualifications from the 2 category to the master of sport of international class of the Russian Federation. To assess the aerobic performance, we used load testing on a Cosmos Quasar treadmill and a Metalyzer 3B gas analyzer (Germany) with an increasing load: a two-minute warm-up, test load with an increase of 1 km/h per minute, starting from 7 km/h. Stroke and minute blood volume were calculated indirectly using the calculation algorithms embedded in the Metalyzer 3B software.
Results and their discussion. It was revealed that the cardiorespiratory indicators (including their dynamics) have multidirectional correlations with the indicators of the athlete's aerobic performance, when considering the correlation matrix in the general population of the subjects. The response to load on the part of the cardiorespiratory system is largely determined by the type of blood circulation. Oxygen consumption at the same running speed is determined by the technical aspects and morphological characteristics of an athlete.
Conclusion. The study showed that a number of parameters of the cardiorespiratory system, including their dynamics, during exercise testing influenced the maximum aerobic performance of athletes and oxygen consumption at the ventilation thresholds. The most informative factors include the dynamics of arterial and pulse pressure, respiratory minute volume and stroke blood volume. An increase in diastolic blood pressure is a negative factor in the growth of maximum oxygen consumption.
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