

Doroncev Aleksandr Viktorovich

Purpose of the research is to determine the effectiveness of using elements of team sports for students of special medical group “A”. 

Material. The material for the work was the results of a current medical examination, protocols of control standards, data from a functional test of male students aged 18–21 years.

Research methods. The research was conducted at the Department of Physical Culture of Astrakhan State Medical University in the 2022/23 academic year. The study determined the response of the cardiovascular system to the performance of elements of sports games (volleyball and basketball) and the games themselves. To identify the statistical significance between the studied indicators, Student’s t-test was used using software packages (“Microsoft” 2010, USA and Statistica 12.5 “StatSoft”, Russia). The obtained values were considered statistically significant at p <0.05. Correlation analysis was performed using the Pearson correlation coefficient.

Research results and discussion. When analyzing the data, it turned out that motor tasks for the development of coordination abilities with low-intensity dynamics at the first stage of mastering the technique of possession of basketball elements cause a response from the cardiovascular system similar to medium-intensity running. Later, mastering complex coordination basketball elements, the heart rate when performing them began to correspond to the compensatory zone. The response of the cardiovascular system to performing volleyball exercises had a less pronounced pulse reaction.

Conclusion. It is advisable to begin the use of team sports in the medical group under study with the development of coordination-based motor tasks with limited dynamics. An increase in tolerance to physical activity was accompanied by moderate bradycardia at the 5th month of educational and training sessions. In this regard, an increase in the intensity and volume of educational and training sessions is recommended no earlier than after 4 months of regular physical education classes.

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