The purpose of the research – determination of morphological and mechanical properties of femoral bones in male rats of different ages.
Materials and methods of research. Three-point bending and mechanical compression tests were used for micromechanical tests. The equations Stress = Force / Cross-sectional area and Strain = Strain / Initial length were used to obtain a stress-strain curve. The slope of the linear stage of the tensile curve was calculated.
Research results. The morphological and mechanical properties of bones change with the age of the animal. At the stage of skeletal maturity, the bone microstructure is optimized, and after this stage, the bone microstructure gradually deteriorates with age. Thus, with increasing age of animals, a linear and two-phase dependence of the parameters of the microarchitectonics of the femur is observed.
Conclusion. The results obtained will help to better understand the pathogenesis of osteoporosis and other bone diseases, as well as create a theoretical basis for clinical diagnosis.
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