The research purpose was to study the features of muscle tension in various phases of a bow shot when shooting with and without a hook under the little finger in the design of the finger tab.
Methods and organization of the research. The study involved 6 elite archers. The athletes performed shooting from a recurve bow at a distance of 3 m with and without a hook under the little finger in the design of the finger tab. An electromyography (EMG) of the drawing arm and back was recorded during archery. Muscle activity was analyzed in the «drawing», «full draw» and «release» phases.
The main results. The tension of the studied muscles significantly changed in the dynamics of the execution of the bow shot. The peak of EMG activity of the muscles of the hand and forearm occurred during the drawing phase of the bowstring, and the muscles of the shoulder and back - during the «full draw» phase. In the absence of a hook under the little finger in the finger tab design, the EMG activity of the short flexor of the fingers increased by 26.9% (p<0,05) in the «drawing» phase, but in the «full draw» phase its tension decreased by 17.1% (p<0,05). During shots without a hook, the average EMG amplitude of the muscle withdrawing the little finger decreased by more than twice in all the studied phases (p<0,001).
Conclusion. The execution of shots from a recurve bow was accompanied by pronounced dynamics of changes in muscle tension in different phases of the shot. In the presence of a hook on the finger tab, the little finger exerted pressure on it and increased the tension in the «palm». On the contrary, when archery without a hook on the finger tab, the participation of the little finger in grab the bowstring was leveled. Also, changes in the design of the finger tab did not affect the tension of the muscles involved in pulling the bowstring.
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