Purpose of the research – to develop a norm of controllability for a sports training (hereinafter referred to as ST) group at the ST stages by sport.
Methods and organization of the research. Interdisciplinary research belongs to one of the most relevant areas of research at the present stage, including universal methods of scientific research (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, generalization, analogy) and general scientific research methods (description, historical method), private and special methods of jurisprudence research (comparatively-legal, formal-logical). This approach made it possible to comprehensively study the subject of the study and develop a design standard for the controllability of a ST group, as well as proposals for improving the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
Research results and discussion. In foreign periodicals, insufficient attention is paid to the issue of recruiting sports training groups. With rare exceptions, there are works that indirectly reflect the effectiveness of group recruitment. The main attention is paid to the psychology and physiology of sports training. On the contrary, the domestic legislator establishes regulation of the quantitative composition of the group in a variety of ways. Moreover, directly opposite regulation was revealed between the quantitative composition of the group and the establishment of indicators for the effective financial and economic activities of sports schools.
Conclusion. Using the previously obtained results of a theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature from various fields of economics, the results of research by foreign scientists and the practice of law enforcement of domestic legislation, the authors proposed to establish a norm of controllability of a variable nature group per 1 coach-teacher. It will create flexible conditions for both organizational, pedagogical, financial and economic activities of sports schools.
In the future, the standard costs for organizing sports training and the methodology for calculating wages for teaching staff may be revised.
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