The purpose is to conduct a study using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy of the intensity of nitric oxide (NO) production and copper content (as an indicator of the enzyme superoxide dismutase) in injured and non-injured areas of the brain, taking into account the effects of intranasal administration of mesenchymal stem cells when modeling combined injury of the brain and spinal cord.
Methods and organization of research. NO production and copper content in injured and non-injured areas of the brain was compared by EPR spectroscopy when modeling combined brain and spinal cord injury in Wistar rats.
The results of the research and their discussion. The precentral gyrus of the brain was injured, followed by the spinal cord at the level of the first lumbar vertebra. Seven days after brain injury, a reduction in NO content by 84% in injured brain areas and by 66% in non-injured brain areas was found. The difference in NO production in injured and uninjured brain regions persisted 7 days after injury. Copper content in the brain remained unchanged one week after modeling of brain and spinal cord injury.
Conclusion. The data obtained in the experiments help to explain the problems in the therapy of patients with combined brain injury.
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