The research purpose is to determine the integral indicator and age of maximum manifestation of jumping ability of young volleyball players with different rates of physical development based on the dynamics of the manifestation of speed and strength qualities.
Research methods and organization. During the research, the following methods were used: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, documentary sources, Internet sources, pedagogical supervision and testing.
Research results and discussion. In the study, we attempted to determine the dynamics of the manifestation of speed and strength abilities when volleyball players aged 13-16 years performed jumping exercises: a high jump from a place with simultaneous push-off of both legs, a high jump from a run and a long jump from a place. To determine the effect of the result of performing jumping exercises on each other, we conducted a pairwise comparison of these indicators. The performance of the high jump from a place increases over three years and then tends to gradually decrease. It can be noted that the periods of growth spurt coincide with the periods of improvement in the result in the high jump from a place and occur at different age periods in athletes with different rates of biological development. The indicators of the total increase in long jumps from a place exceed the indicators of high jumps from a place. Also, the age of the greatest increase in the results of long jumps from the place moves closer to 15 years, which is one year later than in the high jump from a place.
Conclusion. A specific integral indicator of the development of speed and strength qualities of volleyball players has been determined – jumping ability, which to a greater extent shows an increase in accelerators closer to the age of 13 years, in mediants - by 14-15 years old and in retardants - by the age of 16 years. Indicators of the manifestation of speed and strength abilities in volleyball players according to the test results: high jump from a place and from a run, long jump from a place, have the greatest increase at 14-15 years, which corresponds to the sensitive period of development of this ability, but there are differences in the periods of the greatest increase in indicators depending on the rate of biological maturation of a volleyball player. Accordingly, it is necessary to pay special attention to the development of these abilities both as a whole in the team, and taking into account the individual characteristics and pace of development of volleyball players during puberty.
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