Purpose of the research – theoretical substantiation of norms of controllability by a team of students undergoing sports training.
Methods and organization of the research. The study used an interdisciplinary approach in studying the quantitative composition of the group, including subject areas in the theory and practice of management, general pedagogy, psychology, sociology, law, military affairs, etc. The research methods used were universal (general scientific) research methods, comparative legal, historical, theoretical methods of cognition and obtaining results in economics. The information base of the study consisted of materials from the analysis of scientific and methodological literature on pedagogy, physical culture and sports, sociology, law, management, military affairs, as well as regulatory legal acts from the legislation of the Russian Empire to the present.
Research results and discussion. It was revealed that there are no uniform norms for the maximum number of managed teams per 1 leader, including in pedagogy, psychology, management, sports, etc. The authors, based on a generalization of the data obtained, proposed a norm of controllability of a sports training team, which can be extrapolated to the organization of the educational and training process.
Conclusion. The authors propose to reconsider approaches to decision-making on the norm of the number of students in groups per 1 coach-teacher, established by the federal standard of sports training.
In the future, the standard costs for organizing sports training and the methodology for calculating wages for teaching staff may be revised.
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