

The development of football players’ game thinking using «footbot» robotic training complex (0.45 Mb, pdf) Read
Комков Вячеслав Юрьевич
Марьянович Александр
Блинов Вячеслав Анатольевич

Introduction. Today football sets high demands for the motor, mental and technical abilities of players who need to make optimal decisions in the rapidly changing game situations. All tactical actions of a football player are the result of his thinking. The purpose is to consider significant development factors and modern approaches to the develop-ment of game (tactical) thinking of football players with an emphasis on the importance of using the achievements of scientific and technological progress. Methods and organization. In this study, the following methods were used: analysis and generaliza-tion of scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical observation, testing, methods of mathemati-cal statistics. The study involved 20 players (aged 15) of the Youth Academy of FC "Krasnodar". Results. The analysis of papers in the field of sport psychology revealed the following factors in the development of game thinking: the features of perception processes, the basic properties of atten-tion, and the indicators of sensorimotor responses. The resolution of the indicated issue can be achieved by the inclusion of theoretical classes into the training system of athletes for the acquisi-tion of specialized knowledge and skills in addressing game situations; by creating real to life con-ditions at practical classes for meeting the requirements of a real game situation; by the implemen-tation of scientific and technical inventions. Training on the "FootBot" robotic training complex were included in the training process of young players. The positive changes were observed for the selected indicators. In this case, all the obtained results were statistically reliable. The conclusion. The outcomes demonstrated significant positive changes in such indicators as speed and accuracy. Training sessions on the simulator create favorable conditions for direction finding, develop basic properties of player's attention and perception, increase the level of speed and accuracy of sensorimotor reactions.

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