

Experimental research of psychophysiological state of qualified female weightlifters in the preparatory period of the annual cycle of athletic training (0.35 Mb, pdf) Read
Альбшлави Майсун Мохсень
Burtseva Evgeniya Valentinovna
Burtsev Vladimir Anatolyevich

Purpose of the research. The article presents the results of an experimental study of the psycho-physiological state of qualified female weightlifters in the preparatory period of the annual cycle of sports training. Materials and methods of the research. The paper presents the characteristics of the psycho-physiological state and its assessment with the use of tests: simple visual-motor reaction; attention assessment; assessment of distraction tolerance; tapping test. Results. According to the results of the experimental study, the authors determined the type of higher nervous activity, the properties of attention, endurance of the nervous system and performance of qualified female weightlifters in the preparatory period of the annual cycle of sports training. Сonclusion. Almost all female weightlifters have an intermediate type of higher nervous activity and a high level of endurance of the nervous system, which indicates the possibility of performing monotonous work which is common for weightlifting. The level of attention stability development is high, however, the level of attention concentration development is low. In our opinion, this feature of the attention properties does not significantly affect the effectiveness of competitive activity in weightlifting, as a competitive exercise is performed once and for a short period of time, so it does not require high concentration. Performance of every athlete is at the lower limit of the norm, which indicates the initial stage of fatigue.

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