

Usage of multimedia training materials at the foreign language classes in non-linguistic universities of france (0.3 Mb, pdf) Read
Ахметшина Ландыш Василовна
Шамсутдинова Альбина Равилевна
Теганюк Валерия Викторовна

This article is focused on the issues of organization of students’ individual work. Much attention is given to the innovative component in the field of teaching foreign languages at the university. This article gives a detailed analysis of the French teachers’ experience, reveals the advantages and disadvantages of this activity. It is reported that many Language Resource Centers have been successfully functioning in France for more than ten years; teachers there do not hold traditional classes, but act as advisers, while students choose necessary information and individually organize their educational process. It is necessary to take into account the great role of multimedia teaching technologies in the modern educational process, which makes it possible to improve the quality of education and to make it more effective.

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