

Features of energy supply of muscular activity in a marathon (0.27 Mb, pdf) Read
Кашапов Равиль Исхакович
Кашапов Руслан Равилевич

Purpose of research: a literary review of the findings of research focused on energy of muscular work of marathon runners. Materials and methods. We carried out the analysis of data sources from Web of Science, Scopus, RSCI on investigation of energy supply of marathon runners. Results. Analysis of findings of recent studies on this issue reveals that a marathon has become one of the most popular competitions among the general population around the world. Many amateur and professional marathon runners, and their coaches show their interest in exploring the circumstances that make it possible to successfully overcome long and marathon distances, among which the main role is played by energy supply for the main muscle groups. Therefore, much attention is paid to scientific studies of the characteristics of energy synthesis and input of a marathon runner during continuous muscular work. A special role in training and competitive activities of runners is assigned to the large functioning volume of the aerobic system, the main sources for which are substances of predominantly carbohydrate and fat origin. A pragmatic approach to the quality and proper planning of running workouts determines the rational and effective consumption of energy sources due to the optimal combination of carbohydrate and fat consumption during continuous running. In order to achieve such an effective energy distribution, it is desirable to train the ability of runner's body to accelerate oxidation of fat substances aiming at providing energy for the muscles while running. Conclusion. Physical performance for successful overcoming of the marathon distance can be improved by activating aerobic energy supply processes, i.e. by saving the glycolytic contribution of energy products, which can be achieved by hard training.

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