

Russian national gto health and fitness program: students’ attitude and willingness to perform tests (0.92 Mb, pdf) Read
Безноско Николай Николаевич

The aim of research is to discover motivation of students to adopt healthy lifestyle and to participate in GTO Program, and to assess physical fitness of students in accordance with standards of Russian National GTO Health and Fitness Program. Methods and organization of research. The research was carried out in Surgut State Pedagogical University; 235 undergraduate students studying pedagogics were involved. The off-line version of electronic questionnaire on physical culture and sport development, GTO Program implementation was designed for the research. The study of physical fitness of students in accordance with the VI level of Russian National GTO Health and Fitness Program was carried out. Research results. The paper presents the results of the research focused on SurGPU students’ attitude to GTO Program implementation into the system of higher education. The received data of the survey on future educators’ attitude to the idea of GTO Program implementation characterize them as a resource with a great potential for delivery of GTO aims and tasks. GTO pins distribution demonstrated actual physical fitness of students: there are only 4,8% who gained gold pins, 7,3% - silver pins and 16,8% - bronze pins, from the total number of 235 students. 71,2% of students failed to perform physical fitness tests. Conclusion. The survey revealed the level of motivation for physical exercises, GTO tests and physical fitness in accordance with GTO standards. The most difficult part for students within the VI level of Russian National GTO Health and Fitness Program turned to be power ability and endurance.

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