

Cognitive activity of students of physical culture and sport university in the context of modern education paradigm (0.31 Mb, pdf) Read
Chatinyan Ashot Agvanovich

The goal of the research is to study the influence of the lectures with pre-planned errors on the increase of students’ cognitive activity in physical culture and sport universities in the framework of a new paradigm. Methods of the research – study and analysis of scientific and methodological literature, questionnaire survey, conversation, math statistics. Results. It was revealed that the necessity of wide implementation of modern interactive lectures in combination with individual forms of educational process organization is caused by the specificity of the educational process in physical culture and sport universities. However the use of the last ones is limited because of the peculiarities and some difficulties of educational process organization in such universities. About 68% of interviewed second-year students and 91% of graduate students of GIFKS pointed out that it is advisable to introduce lectures with pre-planned errors as they make the educational process more interesting, unordinary, emotionally charged, and the development of knowledge and skills becomes more accessible. We revealed that students have become more active in asking questions, discussing, and they have tried to study the material more thoroughly. Implementation of such lectures positively influenced on the development of scientific interests of students. Many of them expressed a desire to participate in scientific research in the end of the second year of study. It can be noted that the majority of full-time students attend such lectures with great interest and even want to have them more often. Conclusions. Implementation of lectures with pre-planned errors in the educational process of physical culture and sport universities positively affects students’ cognitive activity, makes classes interesting and helps to solve educational problems.

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