Purpose. The article reveals the patterns of successful transfer of socio-pedagogical experience from a teacher to students, the pedagogical influence on personal development and instructional importance in the educational process. Being a way of organizing educational activities, learning is the most reliable way to obtain a systematic education. It contributes to the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities and development of personal qualities that help a person to adapt to external conditions and express one’s personality. The quality of administration of educational process has a big impact on the development of creative and independent mentality of students, acquisition of professional competencies for achieving a high level of proficiency to withstand competitiveness in the labor market and develop the potential for self-development and self-education. The teacher of physical culture is fully responsible for ensuring the modern administration of the educational process and social activities of the high quality to train qualified specialists with theoretical and applicable knowledge, skills and competencies.
Research methods and organization. The authors use the methods of questionnaire survey, pedagogical observation and comparative assessment to reveal the psychological and instructional aspects of the quality of physical education at the university, as well as students' interest in Physical education as university subject.
Research results. The research resulted in the identification of students’ attitude to the quality of the educational process, their satisfaction with the quality of provided education, and the quality of the administration of physical and sports activities.
Conclusion. We have substantiated the significance of psychological and pedagogical approach used by educators at physical education classes. It is especially relevant in modern conditions for improvement of the quality of educational process through the attitude of students to the Physical education and sports subject.
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