

Nain Anna Albertovna
Mishchenko Natalya Yurievna

This paper provides a theoretical and practical justification for the development of the fitness industry in Russia, notably the implementation of fitness technologies in preschool educational organizations.

The purpose of the study was theoretical justification and experimental verification of the «FITNESS MIX» dance fitness program aimed at developing physical qualities and increasing physical education interest of senior preschool children.

Research methods and organization. We used the following research methods: analysis and generalization of scientific and instructional literature, pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics.

Research results and discussion. In our study, we have provided the characteristics and the details of the «FITNESS MIX» dance fitness program aimed at developing physical qualities and increasing physical education interest of senior preschool children. We have demonstrated the dynamics of physical fitness indicators of preschool children in the framework of a pedagogical experiment. We have presented the results of a survey of preschool children in the experimental group, aimed at revealing interest in some sections of the «FITNESS MIX» dance fitness program. We have assessed the training outcomes of children in experimental groups engaged in experimental and traditional physical education programs for preschool educational organizations.  

Conclusion. In our study, we have proved our hypothesis that implementation of the FITNESS MIX dance fitness program in preschool physical education will contribute to physical development, growing physical fitness level and effectiveness of the instructional process providing significantly better outcomes in the development of physical qualities and improving the functional state of a child.


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