

Lutchenko Nikolay Georgievich
Perevoznikova Natalia Igorevna
Grigorev Nikolay Nikolaevich

The aim of the research is to substantiate the place and role of the need-motivation factor in the structure of personal professional activity and its influence on the development of value orientation in the process of physical culture and sport activities (PCSA).

Methods and organization of the research. In our research we used the following methods: theoretical analysis of literary sources and educational programs of universities, conversation, questionnaires, and pedagogical observations. The study was conducted on the basis of the Saint Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions during the academic year. The survey involved 100 students of 2nd year of study.  

Research results. The research revealed needs, main motives and factors determining the degree of students' involvement in PCSA. The authors demonstrated the role of communication in solving educational problems. The analysis of literary sources revealed the need-motivation attitude of students to PCSA. We have found that one of the reasons for the low level of physical fitness and poor health is the lack of stable motives, interests and needs in systematic PCSA. The issue of improving physical fitness of students requires a well-grounded approach forwarding the educational process towards the comprehensive development of the personality on the basis of a motivational-value attitude to PCSA.

Conclusion. Personal demand for the PCSA determines its focus on achieving a goal and acquires a motivation factor when it is recognized by the subject as an opportunity to satisfy a desire. Sustainability of the motivational-value attitude of students to PCSA is largely ensured by the use of stimulating organizational and methodological measures in the educational process. The use of visuals and electronic resources in combination with summing up the results of sport events and rewarding the best sport teams and athletes contribute to enhancing students' motivational-value attitude to PCSA.


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