

Factor analysis of integral training components in rowing (0.9 Mb, pdf) Read
Pavlov Sergey Nikolaevich
Стромкин Александр Маркович
Pomerantsev Andrey Aleksandrovich
Shashkov Alexander Anatolievich

Purpose - The aim of the article is to identify the essential factors of integral training for the qualitative construction of the training process in rowing. Methods and organization of research. The research included the following methods: analysis of the protocols of official competitions, questionnaires, testing, correlation analysis with Bravais-Pearson parametric index, "Varimax" method of factor analysis. For the special physical fitness analysis the authors used the official Protocol of "Autumn starts" rowing competitions (indoor rowing) which was held on 5-9 October 2017 on the "Krylatskoye" rowing channel. Several different protocols of physical fitness competitions and testing results were used to assess the overall physical condition. Testing was carried out on 10 - 20 October in Zadonsk, Lipetsk region. Techniques were assessed by two experts according to the analysis of the video recording of the competition. The average score of two experts was calculated. Results. The quality of sports training in rowing depends on well-structured training programs with the consideration of each factor for successful competition activities. In the framework of the experiment 24 indicators of integral training of 29 highly qualified athletes were analyzed. As a result, it was revealed that the factors of integral training do not develop separately, but in different correlation with each other. Factor analysis made it possible to limit the investigated space of integral training variables up to 5 most significant factors, and also to interpret each of them. Conclusion. The survey resulted in determination of 300 coefficients characterizing the interconnection between the various aspects of integral training. The obtained coefficients made it possible to reveal the close cohesion between different variables of integral training. The authors managed to identify a number of coefficients characterized by a high cohesion (over 0.5) between the indicators of special training, as well as between the indicators of special and general physical fitness.

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