

The main components of physical fitness of tennis players aged 12-14 (0.7 Mb, pdf) Read
Салахутдинова Алия Загитовна

This article is focused on significant aspects of physical training of young tennis players considering sensitive periods of physical qualities development in adolescence. The data analysis revealed correlative interrelations between physical fitness indicators of players aged 12-14 and the result of competitive activity. It demonstrated significance of speed-power training that is highly correlated with sport success, and problems of its realization. The aim of the study is to determine physical qualities which are essential for physical training of tennis players aged 12 – 14. Hypothesis: we assume that heterochrony of physical qualities development of male tennis players in adolescence and heterogeneity of morphological status contribute to the environment where the weak link in training is insufficient development of speed-power qualities. Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodical literature, physical qualities testing, methods of mathematical statistics. Research results. The initial hypothesis of speed (velocity) importance for tennis players in the studied age period was not confirmed. The authors found great importance of speed-power qualities in the studied age period. Conclusion. The analysis of correlative interconnections of the studied indicators of physical fitness with effectiveness of competitive activity demonstrated that indicators of speed-power abilities of tennis players aged 12 – 14 have the greatest number of average and strong connections with other components of physical fitness, and it has higher influence on sport result. Assessment of physical fitness indicators of top players gives an overview of model characteristics of physical fitness of tennis players at every age.

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