

Refinement of striking techniques in the process of physical training in educational institutions of the ministry of internal affairs of Russia (0.27 Mb, pdf) Read
Хажироков Валерий Ахиедович

In this article, we studied the relevant issues of refinement of practical striking techniques. Striking technique is one of the essential technical skills of law enforcement officers. The goal of the striking technique is to hit a certain point of the enemy and to bring him to a certain negative result with a view to maximizing withdrawal from combat capability. Therefore, the effectiveness of the striking techniques greatly depends on the ability to control rapid movements. Refinement of the techniques of blows and kicks and protection from them is carried out in educational fights with natural resistance of an assistant. For the most effective training of cadets and trainees in striking techniques and protection against them, it is recommended to use means, methods and forms of sport training that will have a favorable effect on their technical, physical and psychological fitness. In order to study striking techniques, it is necessary to master the whole set of parts of the action called technique elements, which are relatively important, invariable and sufficient for solving motor tasks. Skill development is a long process, which largely depends on the number of repetitions and the variability of performance of a motor action. And excellence is achieved through repetition.

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