

Competency-oriented technology of physical education for parents for their further participation in habilitation of children with intellectual disabilities (0.4 Mb, pdf) Read
Федорова Наталья Игоревна
Бахрах Илья Исакович

The paper considers the structure and content of the competency-oriented technology of physical education for parents, intended for habilitation of children with intellectual disabilities using adaptive physical training at home. The main components making up the technologies of physical education for parents of children with intellectual disabilities are as follows: - the target component. It defines the knowledge of the purpose, objectives and pathways of teaching children with intellectual disabilities, as well as the knowledge of the generally accepted principles of adaptive physical culture; - an educational component. It includes the knowledge of the program-methodical support of adaptive physical education, principles, means and methodical tools of training motor activities of children with intellectual disabilities, as well as the ways to overcome them; - the procedural component. It is characterized by organizational forms and methods of physical training and developing practical skills in training motor activities; - the resultant component. It reflects the result of parents' participation in the process of habilitation of children with intellectual disabilities. In accordance with the purpose and objectives of the competence-oriented technology of physical education of parents, we developed the "Adaptive physical education of children with intellectual disabilities in the family" program. The results of the training cycle for parents of children with intellectual disabilities demonstrate that parents have obtained pedagogical competences, and they have started to deliver the habilitation of children at home. It can be assumed that the developed technology of participation for parents of children with intellectual disabilities, which can be carried out at home, will increase the effectiveness of habilitation of preschool aged children with intellectual disabilities.

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