

Shvedko Anastasia Vitalievna

Study objective. This research was aimed to assess the effectiveness of low-calorie diet in a combination with either an activity of daily living of a moderate intensity or aerobic activity.
Methods and organisation. Forty women (mean BMI 32,9 kg/м2, mean body mass 89,2 kg, mean 42,8 years took part in a 12-week randomised controlled trial (RCT). The experiment was conducted from October 2020 to April 2021. Participants were randomised into low-calorie diet in a combination with either an activity of daily living of a moderate intensity or aerobic activity groups. Body composition, body weight and CVD risk profile were assessed at the end of the experiment. The body fat percentage, free and total fat mass was estimated using the Dual X-Ray absorptiometry (DXA). Concentration of lipid and lipoprotein concentration in plasma was estimated. 
Results. Body weight in the group with aerobic activity reduced on 8.3±3.8 kg and 7.9 ±4.2 kg for the moderate intensity group with daily activity (within, P <0,001; between groups, P =0,08). Body fat reduced on 6.2±4.1 kg in the moderate intensity activity group and on 7.4 ±3.7 kg in the aerobic group (P<0.001). After-experimental serum triglyceride levels of total cholesterol levels reduced (P<0.001) compared to values before the experiment (16.3% and 10.1% decrease). However, between group values were not significantly different.
Conclusions. Moderate intensity daily activity with a low calorie diet can be effective for a weight loss in obese women and can be an alternative to aerobic intensity group with structured exercises.

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