

Myakonkov Victor Borisovich
Shitova Liliya Shamilyevna

One of their key areas of improvement of the modern management system is the focus on improving its efficiency. The real possibility of increasing efficiency lies in the analysis and evaluation of processes occurring within the management system, and from the perspective of the managing subjects themselves. Due to the subjectivity of the management process, it is quite difficult to achieve maximum efficiency, but it is necessary to improve it. The study presents the results of evaluating the effectiveness of management procedures based on the materials of the North-West of Russia.
The purpose: to obtain information about management processes, management entities, their interaction, policy on the provision of sports and sports services in the regions of the North-West of Russia.
Methods and organization of the research: the method of expert assessments was used, which is based on a questionnaire (questionnaire) structured according to the content sections [2]. The expert survey was attended by subjects of physical culture and sports management, as well as representatives of sports organizations of the regions of the North-West of Russia.
Results and discussion. The results of the study of expert opinions can be interpreted as an assessment of the effectiveness of the activities of the subjects of the management system in the field of physical culture and sports at an above average level. The study showed a positive dynamics of the effectiveness of the system of regional management of the sphere of physical culture and sports during 2007-2020.
Conclusion. The survey of experts conducted within the framework of this study made it possible to assess the effectiveness of the subjects of regional and municipal management of physical culture and sports, as well as to identify areas for its further improvement.

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