

Menovshchikova Olga Igorevna

The purpose of the research is to approve the main elements of the spatial component of the competitive composition of aesthetic group gymnastics as a basis for creating plastic means of compositional training.
Methods and organization of the research. The study of literary sources, a questionnaire survey of coaches, pedagogical observations of the training process, video analysis of the largest competitions in aesthetic group gymnastics in 2019, methods of mathematical statistics. The research was conducted at the sports bases of Volgograd, developing the sport "Aesthetic group gymnastics": Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture; Sport School №3; Sport School "Rodina".
Results and discussion. Based on the study of special scientific literature, video surveillance, questionnaire survey, and pedagogical experience, the author of the research identifies the structural elements of the spatial component of competitive compositions that form the basis of special technical training in aesthetic group gymnastics.  
Conclusion. The accumulation of knowledge gained in the course of research has shown that there is a fundamental spatial standard of compositions of aesthetic group gymnastics. According to the author, the structural elements of the spatial component include constructions, drawings, compositional transitions, camera angles, and the group canon of motor actions.
To create theoretical and methodological provisions for the training of gymnasts, the study of the structure and content of the spatial component of the composition is an important basis for understanding the content of training.

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