

Belyi Konstantin Vladimirovich

The aim of the research is to identify the quantitative characteristics of weight reduction by Kyokushin athletes, as well as the analysis of the following indicators: 1) the number and percentage of athletes with experience in reducing weight prior to major competitions; 2) the absolute magnitude and percentage of weight loss by athletes in Kyokushin; 3) dependence of these characteristics of weight reduction on the weight categories and gender of athletes.

Research methods and organization. The research analyzes the anonymous survey (questionnaire) of participants of the largest official All-Russian Kyokushin competitions 2019. We obtained, statistically processed and analyzed the following quantitative characteristics of weight reduction: 1) for adult athletes – prior to the All-Russian trials for the World competition (Moscow, May 1-2, 2019, elite athletes); 2) for young athletes – prior to the All-Russian competitions in the framework of the 12th All-Russian Junior Martial Arts Games (Anapa, September 12-15, 2019, highly qualified athletes aged 12-17).

Research results and discussion. The research revealed that the quantitative characteristics of weight reduction by kyokushin athletes prior to competitions significantly differ from data on other (primarily Olympic) sports; the practice of weight loss is less common. Characteristics of adult athletes are as follows: 1) weight loss is associated more with weight adjustment, and not with the change of the weight category; 2) men reduce their weight prior to competitions more intensively than women; 3) in the “lower” weight categories, the percentage of athletes with experience in reducing weight is almost 2 times higher among men and 1.5 times among women. Characteristics of young athletes are as follows: 1) weight loss is 5kg maximum; 2) a large percentage of male and female athletes reduce weight by less than 3%; 3) there is a significant correlation between the number of participants in the category and the athletes with experience in reducing weight.

Conclusion. Weight reduction by a kyokushin athlete prior to competitions can be considered as the training reserve for competitive kyokushin activity, which is currently underutilized.


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