

Vizitei Nikolaj Nikolaevich
Manolachi Vyacheslav Grigor'evich

Olympic education suggests the absorption of the Olympic idea at the conceptual and practical levels. The Olympic charter treats this idea as the philosophy of life encouraging individuals for comprehensive and harmonic development. However, specific ways of achieving this objective are still to be determined.

Research methods and organization. This article is an attempt of enhancement of conceptual understanding of sports in the framework of philosophy and cultural analysis. In our research, we consider general notions of sport struggle in Ancient Greece.

Results of the research. The culture of Greece has rightly been proclaimed to be agonal. A Greek deliberately maintains his position in the interpersonal relations in the framework of individual and externally evident rival considered as a basis for peace. It is significant, that a sport competition for a Greek is the top version of agonality. It reveals the true human nature and determines the truth of the philosophy of success, which is common for competitors. 

Conclusion. There is a difference between modern and Greek sports. At the same time, modern sport is still the highest type of agonality. It is fully represented in its true nature as a constant struggle against ambiguity of the human being, search for self-realization. In this regard, it is able to become an effective tool for the increase of human outlook competence and an efficient factor of overcoming contradictions of intercultural relations.  

Sport is a concentrated expression of the truth of human life. Its assimilation is the Olympic education in its highest manifestation.


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