

Golubev Denis Vyacheslavovich
Shchedrina Yuliya Aleksandrovna

The aim of the research is to identify the interconnection of "functional status, %" and "expert assessment executed by the therapist, c. u.” indicators during the annual cycle of sport training in young professional football players aged 12-17.

Materials and methods of the research. In our research, we used the OMEGA-SPORT Stationary Hardware Complex ("Dynamics", St. Petersburg, Russia). 5 experts in sport medicine carried out regular assessment in order to determine the health status of athletes.

Research results and discussion. Study of age dynamics of the "functional status, %" and "expert assessment executed by the therapist, c. u." indicators revealed intergroup differences (in players aged 12-13, 14-15 and 16-17). These differences occur as a result of both age specificity and features of training process in the annual training cycle. We revealed the following general group regularity (for young players aged 12-17) –"functional status, %" indicator decrease is followed by more frequent visits to the therapist ("expert assessment executed by the therapist, c. u." indicator growth). We revealed dramatic decline of the "functional status, %" indicator. This decline occurs as a result of the stress experienced by the heart rhythm regulation system. Consequently, we can consider this indicator as a predictor of the deterioration of health status.

Conclusion. We propose to use the "functional status, %" indicator based on the analysis of statistical and spectral parameters of heart rate variability and the "expert assessment executed by the therapist, c. u." indicator for the control and correction of training effects for football players aged 12-17.


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