

Abdyrakhmanova Dzhiparkul' Omushevna
Tynalieva Bakyt Karybekovna
Dzhanuzakov Kanat Chynybaevich
Abdyrakhmanov Bekzhan Azhygulovich
Bolzhirova Emiliya Shekenovna

The article presents the effectiveness indicators of a brand new methodology developed by Kyrgyzstan. It focuses on application of outdoor ethnic games for the improvement of health status and endurance level of adults aged 50-55 in mid-mountain regions. The obtained results are applicable for the refinement of training process and the improvement of physical qualities of elderly people in special climate conditions.

We analyzed the indicators of physical fitness, physical status, adaptive potential and endurance of adults aged 50-55. The outcomes demonstrated effectiveness of using outdoor ethnic games for the improvement of health status and the deceleration of age-related changes in the studied group.  The reason is that all ethnic games have an active impact on all muscle groups, develop motor qualities and raise endurance.

The purpose is to develop the methodology of application of outdoor ethnic games for the improvement of physical status and workability of persons of pre-retirement age in mid-mountain regions in Kyrgyzstan and to determine its effectiveness.

Research methods: anthropometry, physiometry (body length, body weight, heart rate, blood pressure); functional tests: Davydenko 6-scale momentum test (Cooper test); methods of mathematical statistics.

Results: In our research, we first identified the indicators of adaptive potential, the nature of adaptation, characteristics of functional state, physical status, and stamina level according to Davydenko 6-scale momentum test. We assessed the functional state of cardiovascular system according to the endurance coefficient. We used 12-minute Cooper test and monitoring of maximum oxygen consumption to identify the physical fitness degree of individuals of pre-retirement age who practice outdoor ethnic games in mid-mountain regions in Kyrgyzstan. 

Conclusion. We carried out the comparative analysis of current functional adaptation status of men playing ethnic games. The first observation revealed the decrease in body functional abilities. The second observation revealed the tension of adaptation mechanisms in men and women. Both men and women had either medium or high physical status. The studied group practicing modern physical culture demonstrated the same results and the same physical status. Results of Davydenko test show the increasing fitness level in both groups. Functional indicators of studied groups demonstrate the intensification of cardiac activity. It provides sufficient functional capabilities at the cost of functional reserves. Level of physical capacity degree in studied groups: satisfactory, good and high. The index of maximal oxygen consumption demonstrate good health of people in both groups.


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