

Lerner Viktoriya Leonidovna
Deryabina Galina Ivanovna
Filatkin Aleksej Sergeevich
Platonova Yana Valentinovna

The aim. The karate competition requires the athlete to have a comprehensive manifestation of motor abilities. At the same time, the motor-related area is closely connected with function of the auditory analyzer. Consequently, auditory deprivation affects all types of motor abilities, but, first of all, it affects coordination abilities, since they are implemented on a defective basis of the sensory systems involved in controlling movements. Technical means (punches and kicks, blocks) and tactical means (instant assessment of the situation and making the right decisions) of traditional karate effectively affect the correction of various manifestations of motor coordination. Moreover, the above mentioned karate means affect motor coordination through    motor experience in the form of complicating previously mastered movements and mastering new movements with increased coordination difficulties.

Methods and organization of the study. We used the following set of complementary theoretical methods to meet the challenge of theoretical substantiation of the research: analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodical literature, scientific articles on adaptive physical culture, abstracting, generalization and concretization.

Results. The research revealed the most common deviations in the manifestation of various components of coordination abilities of children with auditory deprivation. We specified sensitive periods of development of this type of motor qualities in children with hearing impairments. We identified basic karate techniques and actions, which favorably influence the course of development of coordination abilities.

Conclusion. Correction and development of the coordination abilities of children with hearing impairments represent the primary task of adaptive physical education. The most favorable age is primary school age. Techniques and actions of traditional karate have a high potential of effective impact on all types of coordination abilities of children.


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