

Makeeva Vera Stepanovna
Chernov Sergej Viktorovich
Laptev Sergej Olegovich

The purpose is to gradually distribute pedagogical techniques for teaching basketball players to interact during transition into the student team.

Methods and organization of the research. The research revealed the structure and content of methods and techniques that facilitate the formation of interaction skills in gaming activities when making the transition to the student team. At the first stage, we studied the issues of interaction skills acquisition in the framework of special, game-related and physical training. At the second stage, we focused on the management of interaction within the group during the current technical combination. At the third stage, we focused on the development of abilities to simulate and use the skills in the situations close to the competition environment.

Results and discussion. Pedagogical influence provides the number of positive effects. They include the improvement of game-related thinking, formation of connection between needs and abilities, consideration of modality of information perception by the player through the ability to see the field, the ball, and the rival. They also include understanding and anticipating the most expected movements of players and the ball, passing speed variations, performing group actions at an accelerated pace, growing desire and ability to learn.

Conclusion. Basketball players interact effectively during transition into the student team provided that there is mutual understanding between players, defined by the following terms: cohesion, teamwork, coordination of interaction.


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