The aim of the study is to conduct the analysis according to the designated criteria and determine the prospects for the development of Olympic skiing sports in Russia.
Methods and organization of the research. To achieve the stated aim of the study, the following methods were used: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, documentary sources and Internet sources. The analysis of materials on the development of Olympic skiing sports in Russia is based on 8 criteria [1].
Results and discussion. The article describes the results of a study of the development of Olympic ski sports in Russia. The chronological facts of the development of Olympic skiing sports in Russia are presented. The competitive results of the Russian national team at the Winter Olympic Games over the past 27 years are analyzed. The number of regional federations and departments, students and coaches was revealed. The assessment of the qualification of the coaching staff is given. The analysis of the scientific development of these sports is carried out. The importance of interaction between sports federations and specialized departments of Russian universities is determined. The experience of partnership of All-Russian federations with sponsors is given. Indicators of information activity of the considered sports are established.
Conclusion. As a result of our research, we identified promising areas for developing Olympic skiing sports in Russia. The obtained data allow specialists to form an idea about the development of these sports.
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