

Zotova Firuza Rakhmatullovna
Mikhailova Tamara Viktorovna
Guba Vladimir Petrovich
Esipovich Lev
Skripko Anatoly Dmitrievich
Le Panse Bénédicte
Morar Cezar
Szabo-Alexi Paul
Vodičar Janez

The purpose is to identify the organization features of upgrade training of specialists in physical education and sports training in the EU countries on the basis of study of scientific and methodological literature, official documents and a questionnaire-based survey of specialists.

Research methods and organization: In our research, we used analysis of scientific and methodological literature; official documents, regulating the issues of upgrade training in various countries; questionnaire-based survey of employees of universities (academies) of sports in the EU countries. The questionnaire included seven open-ended questions concerning the participation of the state in the organization of upgrade training, the forms and content of upgrade training courses; the frequency of upgrade training courses for specialists in the field of physical culture and sports; organizations that implement upgrade training courses, and organizations that issue licenses and control these activities.

Research results and discussion. According to a questionnaire survey of employees of universities in the European Union, it was found that in most cases the state does not oblige sports industry specialists to take upgrade training courses. However, it is a condition for the renewal or confirmation of the coaching license. Such courses in the EU countries are organized by universities, government organizations, national sports federations, profit and non-profit organizations. In these countries, full-time training is preferred in the form of weekend courses of up to 16 hours. At the same time, there are longer upgrade training and retraining of up to 250 hours or more. In addition, there is an increase in the popularity of on-line training, which saves time and finances, while the student receives an on-the-job education. The programs of upgrade training courses in different EU countries are universal. Meanwhile the content of courses for highly qualified coaches is determined by the national sports federations. 

Conclusion. The EU countries have accumulated a unique experience of organizing upgrade training courses for physical education teachers, coaches and sports managers, the use of which can contribute to improving the effectiveness of this process. 

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