The purpose of the research is to determine the level of morphofunctional state and physical fitness of 16-17-year-old students in rural schools of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).
Methods and organization of the research. We used the following methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, anthropometry, deadlift dynamometry, Stange test, Genchi test, blood pressure research, methods of mathematical statistics. As part of the express diagnostics of the assessment of the level of health according to G.L. Apanasenko, the following measurements were carried out: vital index, strength index, double work, Ruffier-Dixon index.
Research results and their discussion. Based on the results of the study, features of the functional state and physical fitness of 16-17-year-old students in rural schools of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) were identified, determined by climatic and geographical conditions and rural way of life. Studying the level of indicators of the functional state and physical fitness of schoolchildren in grades 10-11 in rural areas of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) using the assessment method of G.L. Apanasenko found that about half of those examined had a level of health “below average.” It was determined that the height of schoolchildren, chest excursion and resistance to hypoxia during inhalation and exhalation are below the recommended age standards. The level of physical fitness, determined by the results of fulfilling the standards of the V stage of the All-Russian Physical Sports Complex GTO, is lower than the age values for 56.30% of girls and 39.33% of boys.
Conclusion. Schoolchildren of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) have distinctive features in their functional state and are significantly behind in terms of physical development from their peers living in regions with a more favorable climate.
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