The article presents the results of studies aimed at determining the level of professional readiness of students of the Voronezh State Academy of Sports (VSAS) based on the results of their mastering the educational discipline «Theory and methods for teaching basic sports: sports and active games» (section «Active games»)», studying in the direction of 49.03.01 «Physical culture,» profile «Physical education.»
The purpose of the research was to identify the initial indicators of the formation of professional competencies in this discipline and to consider the results obtained for the possible subsequent correction of the work program of the discipline in order to increase the level of professional readiness of graduates.
Methods and organization of the research. The professional readiness of students was assessed comprehensively according to the indicators of theoretical (category «to know»), methodological (category «to be able»), practical (category «to possess») readiness. Methods of testing, control tests, mathematical statistics, analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization were used. The research was conducted from May to June 2021. It was attended by 14 students of the third and fourth year who completed their studies in the discipline «Theory and methods for teaching basic sports: sports and active games» (section «Active games»)».
Results of the research. Based on the results of a comprehensive testing of third and fourth year students of the VSAS, the level of their professional preparedness in the discipline «Theory and methods for teaching basic sports: sports and active games» (section «Active games»)» is assessed as satisfactory, there is no noticeable difference between third and fourth year students. At the same time, the greatest number of difficulties is associated with the organizational and methodological aspects of the use of active games in physical education classes with a different contingent of students, as well as with the holding of active games competitions and with the practical implementation of pedagogical work.
Conclusion. The results obtained made it possible to identify the level of readiness of students based on the results of mastering the discipline (in accordance with the competence categories «know,» «be able,» «possess»); compare the level of knowledge, skills and abilities in students of different courses; outline ways to improve the quality of training in the discipline «Theory and methods of teaching basic sports: sports and active games» (section «Active games»).
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