The research purpose is to conduct a comparative analysis of the results of monitoring motor activity and physical development of preschoolers.
Methods and organization of the research: 451 pupils of preschool educational institutions No. 69, 64, 53, 74, 76 in Belgorod took part in the monitoring: junior preschoolers – 207 children aged 3-4 years (95 girls, 112 boys), senior preschoolers – 244 children aged 5-7 years (120 girls, 124 boys) in March-May 2023.
Research methods: pedometer, timing, heart rate monitoring, methods of anthropometry, methods of mathematical statistics. The indicators of children's motor activity were evaluated: time, volume of motor activity in steps and its intensity.
The results of the research and their discussion: The duration of motor activity in the examined children of primary preschool age ranged from 20 to 80 minutes per day, in senior preschool children – from 60 to 120 minutes. Children of primary preschool age performed from 805 to 5751 movements, children of senior preschool age – from 1800 to 5800 steps. Among children of primary preschool age, each of the three groups with different motor activity included approximately one third of all those examined, both among girls and among boys. The average values of body weight, height and chest circumference of almost all children of both junior and senior preschool age are within the average age norms. In children of the 1st and 4th groups (girls and boys), i.e. with low activity, weight and height parameters were below the age norm, and in boys of the 3rd group – above the norm. In the girls of the 5th group (average level of motor activity), the indicators of the chest circumference seemed to be higher than the age norm.
Conclusion. In the groups of children of both junior and senior preschoolers with a high level of motor activity, there were more children with indicators corresponding to age norms. Studies of children's motor activity during a walk in kindergarten have once again confirmed the existence of problems of hyper- and hypoactivity among preschoolers and the demand for new pedagogical approaches to its regulation. Age-appropriate indicators of the volume of motor activity were determined in 34.7% of girls and 37.5% of boys of primary preschool age. And, respectively, 38.3% of girls, 41.1% of boys of senior preschool age.
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