Purpose of the research is to determine the levels of overcoming stress in sports by judo athletes.
Methods and organization of research. In this study, scanning method was used. This study has a descriptive and logical nature. It was carried out in Bishkek city of Kyrgyzstan in 2022. 134 judo athletes voluntarily took part in the survey. A demographic information form prepared by the researcher and a Sports Confidence Scale were used to collect data. The obtained data were processed using the statistical program SPSS 25.0. Using parametric tests on the data, t-test was used for pairwise group comparisons, ANOVA test was applied for comparing more than two groups, and Post Hoc Tukey multiple comparison test was applied to determine the differences between groups.
The research results and their discussion. There were no significant differences in the perceived continuous level of sports confidence among the judo athletes who participated in the study, taking into account the gender variable. Nevertheless, significant differences emerged according to the level of sportsmanship among professional athletes. In addition, significant differences in the perceived level of sports confidence among the judo athletes who participated in the study were found depending on their nationality. It is also important to note the significant influence of the experience in a given sport on the level of sports confidence, while the experience in sports activity has a positive effect on this indicator.
Conclusion. There were no statistically significant differences between the athletes participating in the research in terms of gender variable, but there is a statistically significant difference based on skill level among professional athletes. Differences in performance among athletes were also found depending on nationality, age and length of sports career, especially among those with 5-6 years of experience.
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