The research purpose is to determine the ability of a student athletic organization to build its marketing strategy and increase its revenue.
Methods and organization of the study. The main methods used in this study are the study of theoretical research in the field of marketing strategies, content analysis and analysis of practical cases of various student sports organizations. The sources of information were reporting and analytical materials, interviews of student sport specialists, marketers in the field of marketing planning, literary sources, articles on work with marketing products of sport federations, leagues and clubs, websites of these structures.
Research results. As a result of the analysis of literary sources, research of international and Russian market of student sports events and organizations, opportunities to build a marketing strategy of student sports leagues have been identified, the main marketing products and opportunities to increase the income of the league have been studied.
Conclusion. The marketing strategy of a student sports organization is a market necessity to maintain its position and an opportunity for sustainable development in the sports industry. Understanding these needs and opportunities will help Russian student sports organizations to create new sources of funding and more effectively realize the potential available in student sports.
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