

Bumarskova Natalya Nikolaevna
Garnik Vladimir Sergeevich
Bizaev Vasiliy Vasilevich
Bumarskov Pavel Alekseevich

The research purpose is to identify the most effective ways of motivating players and methods of reducing the level of centralization based on the study of the causes of centralization in sports on the example of Russian basketball teams.

Methods and organization of the research. In order to identify signs of centralization in sports, the tournament tables of different years, the results of tournaments and competitions in the leading basketball leagues were examined on the example of basketball; the data presented on the official website of the RFB were studied. 

Results and their discussion. It is known that basketball is not the most popular sport in Russia, but many people may have heard about such clubs as CSKA or Zenit. However, the list did not include teams from regional cities of Russia, including regional centers. Teams consistently show good results in matches, win tournaments and reach the international level. 
It is possible to track the success of the teams thanks to the editorial website, which shows the results of the group stages and tournaments of championships in various sports, including basketball. Having studied the results of several years, it is easy to identify obvious unchanged leaders.
Conclusion. The study identified two ways that can help players become more motivated and help their team – patriotic education and financial incentives, including limits on the number of incoming players from other regions. To change the policy and attitude of athletes, it is necessary to prioritize the success of the entire team, not just the level of play of individual players. This will contribute to increasing the interest of fans and sponsors, as well as an even distribution of financial resources and prize money between clubs and players.

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