

Hakobyan Elena Surenovna
Kovaleva Anna Ashotovna

The scientific and methodological literature shows the importance of the development of movement plasticity as one of the manifestations of coordination abilities, which is of great importance for improving motor skills.
The analysis of the school curriculum on the subject of “Physical education” did not reveal in its content special exercises aimed at improving the plasticity of movements.
The purpose of the research: to develop a methodology for the education of movement plasticity in schoolchildren of grades 7-8 in physical education lessons and to prove its effectiveness experimentally.

Methods and organization of the research. Study and analysis of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics.
The pedagogical experiment, which was attended by schoolchildren of grades 7-8, was organized in the 2021-2022 academic year in Yerevan Secondary School No. 7. 

The results of the research. When developing the methodology for the education of movement plasticity, we were guided by the need to include exercises in classes that characterize, on the one hand, various manifestations of movement plasticity, and, on the other hand, their inclusion in the content of physical education lessons in accordance with the curriculum. Exercises for the development of plasticity were performed in all parts of the lesson.
As a result of a pedagogical experiment aimed at the development of movement plasticity in schoolchildren of grades 7-8 at physical education lessons, in general, positive dynamics of the studied indicators was registered. In the “Wave" test, the greatest increase in the indicators of movement plasticity was revealed in girls of the 7th grade, in whom significant changes were registered in all exercises (“waves” with the body, shoulder, hand) by the end of the pedagogical experiment. In boys, minor positive changes were noted in this type of exercise.
The dynamics of the indicators of graceful movements in this age period is poorly expressed. The results of static plasticity testing allowed us to state that we received the highest scores.

The analysis of the data characterizing the rhythmoplasty of schoolchildren testifies to the positive dynamics of the studied indicators during the pedagogical experiment. In 8th grade students, holistic movement is characterized by greater unity and smoothness of execution.

Conclusion. The results of the study allowed us to conclude that performing various exercises characterizing various manifestations of movement plasticity, improving the technique of performing exercises, expanding the motor base of schoolchildren are a necessary condition for the development of movement plasticity.

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