

Pakhomov Dmitry Petrovich
Romanov Alexey Alekseevich

The current trend of intensification of shooting training and the desire for ‘technology’ of the training process is expressed in optimizing the number of technical actions, both for initial training in safe handling of weapons and for improving the skill of effective shooting. However, technical training for solving special tasks of a competitive exercise requires new approaches in formalizing a set of techniques and motor actions based on criteria reflecting the necessary and sufficient qualities for their selection. Thus, the purpose of this study is to confirm the hypothesis about the possibility of formalizing the scope of shooting techniques when performing a competitive exercise based on criteria. 

Methods and organization of research. The following research methods were used: the analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, the involvement of an expert group to formalize the scope of the shooter's technique carried out by determining the criteria, on the basis of which the selection of technical elements and motor actions that make up the scope of the technique of a competitive exercise was conducted. Also, generalization of the received information and formalization of the received data for statistical analysis were carried out.

The research results and their discussion. The obtained results on the possible formalization of shooting technique reflects the ways of identifying technical elements, techniques and motor actions based on criteria, the formation of which is associated with the reflection of the biomechanical structure of motor action, tactical or psychological techniques of competitive exercise.

Conclusion. A study was conducted on the formalization of the scope of shooting techniques based on criteria reflecting the biomechanical structure of motor action, as well as other factors necessary for selection according to specified parameters. The results of the work of the expert group were obtained, which made it possible to select criteria for formalizing the scope of shooting techniques and establish their relationship with each other.

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