

Zemlenukhin Ilya Andreevich
Zotova Firuza Rakhmatullovna
Mavliev Fanis Asgatovich
Kolyasov Ruslan Raisovich

To date, it is becoming very relevant to improve objective tests that most accurately assess the capabilities of athletes, taking into account their specialization.

The purpose of the research is to develop and experimentally substantiate a test that allows evaluating the level of anaerobic performance of belt wrestlers, taking into consideration the peculiarities of their competitive duels.

Methods and organization of the research. The video analysis of the World Championship in belt wrestling in Nursultan (2019) was carried out. In total, 52 duels were considered. 10 belt wrestlers (candidates for Masters of Sports of the Russian Federation) at the age of 18-19 years, whose experience of sports activities ranged from 6 to 9 years, were involved in the test protocol of physical activity. Statistical data processing was performed in the SPSS 20 program.

The research results. In the presented study, we considered various processes in belt wrestling in progress. Based on this, an average benchmark was chosen for Wingate test: the total duration was 150 seconds, which includes 5 accelerations with a decrease in activity (recovery) time of 25 seconds. During the pilot experiment, the power drop rate was approximately 11.5%. 

Conclusion. The created specific laboratory test allows correctly reflecting the level of specific anaerobic performance of belt wrestlers and its dynamics, which will undoubtedly help to improve the quality of control and make it possible to predict the result of the training process.

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