

Boldov Alexander Sergeevich

The purpose of the research is to develop criteria for assessing the involvement of students in physical culture and sports activities for the formation of universal competencies based on the analysis of the constructs of organizational psychology and business processes.

Methods and organization of the research. Analytical and synthetic methods, methods of abstraction and systematization were used.

Results and discussion. As a result of the research, the constructs of organizational psychology and business processes such as «personal involvement», «organizational commitment», «organizational civic behavior», «involvement in work», «passion for work», «personal resource», «job satisfaction» and universal competencies of physical and sports activity in the system of higher education were studied. Based on the synthetic method, the possibilities of using these constructs in the process of developing competencies among university students are formulated through the criteria for assessing involvement in physical culture and sports activities according to the expert opinions of the higher-education teaching personnel, questionnaires and social surveys.

In conclusion, it is postulated: a low degree of knowledge of the possibility of using the presented constructs; lack of a clear and well-formed classification of criteria for the students’ involvement in physical culture and sports activities for the formation of universal competencies; the process of formation of universal competencies of physical culture and sports activities of students contributes to their personal involvement; the possibility of using the author's criteria-based assessment of students’ involvement, depending on the material and technical organizational conditions and professional capabilities of the higher-education teaching personnel.

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