

Khabibullin Ruzel Mullakhmetovich
Mironova Irina Valerievna
Khabibullin Ilmir Mullakhmetovich
Yagafarov Ruzil Gilemyanovich
Akhmadullina Elmira Timerbulatovna
Kadirov Nazgat Nazirovich
Pegov Valentin Alekseevich

The purpose of the research is to normalize carbohydrate metabolism in the mice bodies using adaptogens of various origins. 

Methods and organization of the research. For the experiment, 60 mice were selected, which were divided into 3 groups, 20 mice each. They were given different amounts of adaptogens at different periods of their lives. For all animals participating in the experiment, a swimming load was created according to the method of Porsalt. At the end of the experiment, blood samples were taken from mice of all experimental groups for morphological analysis, and the liver was subjected to histochemical studies for the presence of glycogen according to McManus.

Research results. It was found that at the beginning of the experiment in the blood serum of animals, the glucose content changed slightly, and by the end of the experiment, an increase in its level was noted in all groups. A weaker histochemical reaction to glycogen was found in hepatocytes of the liver of the control group of animals, and in the liver of mice of the experimental groups, the reaction to glycogen was more intense.

Conclusion. Thus, the weakest histochemical reaction to glycogen is found in liver hepatocytes of the control group of animals. A higher intensive histochemical reaction to glycogen is manifested in the liver of mice of the experimental groups. This is especially observed in those animals that received preparations of Leuzea safflower and pantocrine tincture.

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